North-Kivu: Building peace in times of crisis

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TITRE ARTICLE : North-Kivu: Building peace in times of crisis


To give oneself to the enterprise of reflection at this particular moment when the darkness of violence hovers absurdly in the consciences while shaking and shaking the foundations of the collective being of a whole human community, is to try to find in the collective disasters that the communities go through, a little light in the depths of our cap of human being, well beyond the tribal, national, and/or regional partitions. It is to make reason the natural aspiration to express the luminous face of the beings, in the full expression of the goodness, of the benevolence, and of the humanity in them.


To reflect at this time is simply to call upon the rays of light of wisdom that shine in the heart of each one of us to think and act in terms of the future, and in terms of the durability of the bonds of humanity that rise above absurdity, banality and animosity. Above all, it is to begin the process of calling for the full enjoyment of the freedom to think and act less and less according to the will to crush the other in order to feel like a strong man, or to be right against the other in order to hope to protect oneself to the detriment of the other or of others.


Basically, to reflect at this moment is to put back together the pieces of our hopes beyond the collapse of reason for some and the exponential expression of the sensual for others in order to get out consciously and collectively of the mess while raising us to therank of those who build together in harmony and respect of the human dignity.


There is more to build together in unity and harmony to complete the work of transforming the Great Lakes region into a space of life, full humanity and shared prosperity, than to be a place of perpetual bloodshed. Aware that the dynamics of violence create more problems than they solve, this report highlights the hell that people are going through in the province of North Kivu in eastern DRC, calling for urgent, effective, coordinated, and sufficiently well thought-out actions to reverse the ongoing chaos into the possibility of new life.

Série : Report

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